Report by Dennis Casebier
Photos by Chris ErvinThe "mudders" were here all day "mudding." Much progress is being made. Building inspector Steve Given showed up this afternoon and completed the "drywall nailing" inspection. This is something of a misnomer since they use screws not nails. Steve signed in the appropriate space on our inspection card and the job progresses right along.

Also today, a man named Glen Icanberry showed up with a friend of his named Vic Neves. They are both rail buffs. Glen was here a month or so ago and at that time he said he had the big part of the semaphore signal we need to go in front of the depot. At that time he said he'd been looking for a home for it and I said, "look no further!"

Well, today he and Ivan showed up with not only the semaphore mechanism but also official Santa Fe plans for installing and maintaining it. Glen also brought other documentary materials relating to the Goffs Depot and other depots like it. Vic is a railroad photographer and has written several books about railroading, mostly Southern Pacific.
Charlie and Kathy Connell of Phoenix arrived for the Encampment today. They spent much of the day picking nails up (with a magnet) around the Library/Depot and then they carefully raked the area. Also they did some repair to the tortoise fence.