I reviewed progress on the construction site during my morning walk. The men were out there working away... saws buzzing and hammers flying. The hum of a compressor driving the nail guns fills in the background. It appears there were four workers out there to start, with General Contractor Dan Cordova arriving in the late morning.
Dan is increasingly optimistic he'll have the manufactured ceiling joists that go between the two floors of the building on Wednesday. The framers are putting the composite board sheeting on the first floor today after finishing that job on the Freight House.
It rained hard during the night and was 42 degrees out at 9:30 AM. No wind and mostly overcast, but there were patches of blue in the sky and patches of sunlight on the ground. The Hackberrys and New Yorks started off the morning with bright white snow. We hear on the news there was very heavy snow in Mountain Pass on I-15.
By early afternoon, most of the snow was gone from the Hackberrys but there's still snow on the Providence Mountains.