Report and photo by Dennis Casebier
Looks like another busy day. Two pickup loads of the concrete workers arrived from Twentynine Palms area at 6:30 am. These boys get up early.
The plumber Tim Henry is here. He'll stub out the sewer line and the water line and fill back in behind himself. I asked him to mark and tag the two places where these stubs will be buried.
The greatest excitement this morning is that the nine volt battery expired in concrete man Craig's laser machine. Everything ground to a halt. They had to stop putting forms in. Craig jumped in his vehicle and sped off to Fenner. No batteries. That's when it occurred to him he might call me. We had one and had them back on line in a jiffy.
They are moving right along with the forms. I would be hard pressed to guess what percentage they have done, but considerable. Craig tells me the job is going to require about 50 yards of concrete.
It is heavy overcast, gloomy, and cool today.